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13 years ago
I need you in times of pain, fear and stress and even to smile in my happiness too. . . . I need you to share my joys, to share my tears too with you . . I need you to hold on and be strong, when things are going wrong . . I need you to keep the faith and trust and to remind me "What I'm"... I need you only for two times, Now and Always . . . .!¡!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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This little greeting,
I’m sending your way
Hoping that maybe,
I’ll brighten your day!
With it comes Happiness
Love and Good Cheer
Prayers for You,
Throughout the whole Year
___00000___00000 *.*.*Not a tear in Your eyes,
__0000000_0000000. * *But Smiles on Your face.
__0000 OOOO 00000. * *One that’s so bright and
___0000000000000 * . *Can light up the darkest
____00000000000 * . *. * . * .*place.
______0000000 * . *. * . * .*Laughter ringing.
________000 * . *. * . *So loud and so true.
_________0* . * .. That No one around You,
Could ever be blue.
Just remember these prayers,
I’m sending your way,
Because You are

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13 years ago
good morning ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
">" border="0"/> Happiness is a perfume. You cannot spread on others without getting a few drops on urself. So always be happy and smile. ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
13 years ago
I m your frand you
13 years ago
FrIeNd iS A FoUnDaTiOn oF LoVe... LoVe iS A OrGaNiZaTiOn oF LiFe.... LifE Is dIsTrIbUtIoN Of fEeLiNg... FeeLiNgS R ThE CoNsTrUcTiOn oF 'FRiEnDsHiP'
13 years ago
When you've been hurt by the person who ¡s close to you, Do f¡ght w¡th h¡m, B'coz somet¡mes these f¡ghts saves the Relation, But being quiet leaves nothing in the Relation! Have A Great DaY...!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
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13 years ago
hi ">" border="0"/> PEOPLE COMPLICATE THINGS 2 MUCH. U mis sumone? Call. Wana meet? Invite. Wana b understud? Xplain urself. Hav questions ? Ask. Don lyk it ? Say it. Lyk it? State it. R u in a bad mood? Xpress it. Want sumthing? Ask in d best possible way 2 get a yes. If u already hav a "no",take d risk of gettin the "yes". V have jus 1 lyf. Let's b simple & happy! good morning have a nice day friend
13 years ago
thanks for accepting good night have a nice day
13 years ago
13 years ago
* 2 ThInGs iN LiFe wHiCh r mOrE TrAgIc tHn dEaTh: 1.Ur lOvEd oNe lOvEs u & u dOn't kNoW It...!!! 2.uR LoVeD OnE DoEsN'T LoVe U & U KnOw iT..!!!* HaVe lOvElY MorNInG...
13 years ago
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.......................LOVE ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
Image Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by UploadHouse.comImage Hosted by
13 years ago
Image Hosting at!
13 years ago
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.....................LOVE ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
PrObLeM WiTh tHe wOrD "lOvE" iS ThAt If a bOy uNdErStAnDs, GiRl dOeSn't.. & iF GiRl uNdErStAnDs, BoY DoEsN'T.. & If bOtH UnDeRsTaNd, ThE WoRlD DoEsN'T... hAvE MaRvElUs mOnDaY EvEnInG...
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