">http://img1.imagehousing.com/48/db43aa3428faf1e3fda05eb3e244bac3.jpg" border="0"/> Benefits Of Hugging ▶Reduces heart disease◀ ▶ Diminishes stress◀ ▶ Promotes longevity ◀ ▶ Strengthens social ties◀ ▶ Lowers blood pressure ◀ ▶ Lowers heart Ache ◀ Benefits the hugger and the huggee equally
">http://i3.tagstat.com/image09/4/7fa0/00qe050t7-w.jpg" border="0"/> ♣True Love is like a pillow♣ ♣U could HUG it when Ur in trouble♣ ♣U could CRY on it when Ur in pain♣ ♣U could EMBRACE it when Ur happy♣ ╰❤╮ Want True Love?╰❤╮ Spend $.2 buy a Pillow
">http://img1.sendscraps.com/se/058/020.jpg" border="0"/> ♥If u r angry with ur lovable friend♥ ♥just put a side ur egos♥ ♥hug each other & say♥
A true and practical thought for the life: “When u r up in the life, ur friends know who u r. and when u r down, u know who ur friends r..”
Between a thousand yesterdays & a million tomorrows, there is only one today & i wouldn’t let this day pass without saying this to u, thanks for being my frend.
Every Sunset gives us, one day less to live ! But every sunrise gives us, One day more to hope ! So hope, for the best....
A student is looking monkey out of the window & d proffessor tolds him, Why are you looking monkey outside When I am in class ?
A lady and d lion were kissing each other inside a cage in circus... Ring master asked “can anyone do it ?” Sardar: “I can, but first take the stupid lion out” !!
A sleeping LION is stronger than a Barking DOG. So a sleeping STUDENT is better than a Barking TEACHER. By, Last Bench Association
Kind Kiss On Forehead. Sweet Kiss on Cheeks. Passionate Kiss on Lips. Romantic Kiss On Neck. But, The HOTTEST Kiss??
On Iron Box Try it, Really Hot...
Remembering is the heart's own way of keeping touch with those we really love. This special sms comes to tell you that I remember you always.
GOOD MORNING ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/b8e4700a5fda2c1799fc0f0f7ffeaa08.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/55/8e94de6e7db65494336a8398b0367f19.jpg" border="0"/> Jeyen