Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, You couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure.. Good mOrning to yOu, hve a blEssed day and kEep safe in what evEr yOu do and whErever you go.... Keep smiling.
When you feel that someone is taking your place in your Bestfriend’s Heart... Never say I’ll never let go close to my Bestfriend rather say go as close as you can, I Will Still be the Closest.. !
╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮ never forget, how special you are. ☆ ☆ ☆☆">http://www.images22.com/pics/04/magical-dreams.gif" border="0"/>☆ ☆ ☆ May your heart be happy, may your days be bright, may your roads be smooth, may your burdens be light, may you find the dreams, may you touch the stars, may you never forget, how special you are. May you go the places in life that you desire to go. Sometimes forget who we are. When we are willing to believe right, then we will be able to behave right and achieve the heights that we want to achieve. You have to have belief in who you are, because much of our life happens based off of the knowledge of who we are on this world. Remember that you arent perfect, and if you are ever to be happy sometimes you will have bumps in the road, and sometimes your burdens will be a little heavier than usual. Never lose sight of your dreams, and always remember that if you continue to aim high in life you will become who you aspire to become eventually! ☆ ☆ ☆☆">http://www.images22.com/pics/04/good-evening-my-friend2.jpg" border="0"/>☆ ☆ ☆ never forget, how special you are. ╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮
Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason. Have a marvElous day fillEd with lOve and jOy..with hugs and care frOm aCe..
A life is just like a beach.. Nothing stays with us , what remains with us is d memories of some special people like me , who touched us , as waves .....
Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason. Have a marvElous day fillEd with lOve and jOy..with hugs and care frOm aCe..
With a Vanilla pillow, on a Strawberry bed , hav a Butterscotch Sleep . . full of Chocolaty">http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/c/chocolate/graphics-chocolate-110220.jpg" border="0"/> dreamz of Fruity funz wid Mango Masti ..:dancy2:
Wish you an.......... ICECreamy">http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/i/ice-cream/graphics-ice-cream-163675.gif" border="0"/>Creamy Night !!