hey no problem.. I'm always here 2 help yo..
your friendly neighbourhood.. Spiderman..
sure.. I only sing rock songs.. Which will keep yo awake..
hey have yo doWNloaded de songs i gave yo?
Happy valentines day to you..
it wont expire.. Its 4ever.. And why yo want him? He's not so good.. He put make up
so miss do yo have any trouble?
i can save yo.. Free service.. No charge..
well it means.. I would be der 2 protect dem if they were in trouble.. Not join dem in their trouble..
today day i didn't tell u about my history. i tell u enough... I'm really a selfish, all time i through my desire, my pain, even my hope but i didn't ask you about ur pain, ur dreams and ur desire. I watched you, u always try to escape or hide to yourself. Why friend? U trust no me. N the world of net everybody behave like, he/she trust one another very much? But i fell everybody afraid when/where he/she will be cheated. But u trust me, i came this world to hold ur hand. Still i'm not grow up much. One day may be i also changed but still now i feel joy, when somebody happy here, i feel bad, when somebody divided or leave but thousand miles apart! i didn't know how's it possible but it occured to me every nowand then. So friend i want to know with my heart about ur sadness and pain ur joy and dreams. Do you like to tell me? Have fantastic night.(This day is very special for me. When i go i tell you)
"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them."
but tell me.! Jokes apart.. Why r yo sad?
yo can call me "de most handsome guy ever" just kiddin.. Yeah yo call me anythin yo want other dan mr or sir..
hmmm.. But i tink der is another reason 4 yor sadness.. But anyway.. Please dont call me Mr.. Its makin me lyk stranger 2 yo.. I'm yor best friend ryt?
i'm good thanx.. And wat happened? Why sad?
*hi my sister*thank you very much for beautiful message*gööd evening nice*
helloo der.. Hows yo? Hope yo fine.. Have a wonderful sunday..
good afternoon. thanks for hopeful message. I really appreciate it. Hope ur day also passing better. enjoy ur time.
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@hi my sister*how are you?*gööd morning my nice sister@
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Happy advance valentine day :-*