I tink de word is "SKILL"
oh noory,! I tink somethin happened 2 de invite yo sent.. It just disappeared.. Please can yo send again?
please.. Just 1 more clue..
hey wats de answer? I have no clue..
Hi Noori good morning have nice friday .
hey did yo get ma invite?
i eat peanut butter sandwich.. I cant eat any kind of meat 4 a month.. Doctor's orders..
but i'm yo best and most close problem ever..
Oh hi.. I'm Mrproblem.. I've been informed dat u dont have any.. So i'll stay wid u 4 a while..
copy... Ok. but you put it down right time and right places. its ur credit. how we look... yes, i totally agree with u about this. gut night. look i'm wrighting gut n ur style. ha ha ha... u r so sweet.
oh! nice and meaningful example. I wondered! How could u do that euery time. you are the magician of words. but i little disagree with you. sometimes the power of love is to be light then all are turn to be shadow. may be i'm wrong but i said sometimes. thanks to send such a nice message. good night and sweet dreams my dear friend.
La ea.lah istri abang .klw istri orang waduh nory berabe urusanx.urusan di dunia sih mending tapi nti d akherat naudzubillah amit2 noor abang mikir 1000x