nahi... Tubelight valli alieni tum ho
Nahi.. Mai bulb valli alien hu
c'est la langue punjabi sanju ji
The teacher asked, "Boy what is
your problem?"
he answered, "I'm too smart for
the first-grade. My sister is in the
third-grade and I'm smarter than
she is! I think I should be in the third-
grade too!"
Teacher had enough. She took
Boy to the principal's office.
While Boy waited in the outer
office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation
was. The principal told the teacher
he would give the boy a test and
if he failed to answer any of his
questions he was to go back to
the first-grade and behave. She agreed.
Boy was brought in and the
conditions were explained
to him and he agreed to take the
Principal: What is 3 x 3? Boy : 9, maam!
Principal: What is 6 x 6?
Boy : 36, maam!
And so it went with every
question the principal
thought a third-grade should know.
The principal looks at teacher and
tells her,
"I think Boy can go to the third-
grade. "
Teacher says to the principal, "I have some of my
own questions. Can I ask him ?"
The principal and Boy both
Teacher asks: What does a cow
have four of that I have only two of?
Boy : Legs, maam!
Teacher : What is in your pants
that you have but I
do not have?
Boy : Pockets! Teacher: What starts with a C and
ends with a T, is
hairy, oval, delicious and contains
thin whitish liquid?
Boy : Coconut!
Teacher: What goes in hard and pink then comes out
soft And sticky?
(The principal's eyes open really
wide and before he
could stop the answer, Boy . was
taking charge ) Boy : Bubblegum, maam!
Teacher: What does a man do
standing up, a woman
does sitting down and a dog does
on three legs?
(The principal's eyes open really wide and before he
could stop the answer )
Boy : Shake hands!
Teacher: Now I will ask some
"Who am I" sort of
questions, okay? Boy : Yep!
Teacher: You stick your poles
inside me. You tie me
down to get me up. I get wet
before you do.
Boy : Tent Teacher: A finger goes in me. You
fiddle with me
when you're bored. The
best man always has me first.
Boy : Wedding Ring, maam!
I'm wondering why it's always sleepy during work and lectures?
I'm also good sis
my day was sleepy and boring at the office
feel lazy to work
and how about your college?
O yara ne galasi hun pa lei, kut kut saareya ne pa lei, te hun na koi bahana laauga, onu so lgge apni mashook di jhera pangra nei paauga
and it's just a breaktime
Hi genius Solve this
Answer this if u can.....
Sherlock Holmes was walkingdown the
streets in the morning when he found
many people gathered. Theywere
circling a women‘s dead body.He examined the body n found a purse in
which was her license.Her name was
Anne n he called up her residence
number. Her husband picked up the
phone and Sherlock said,''Your wife is
dead''. ''No way'' ,Said the husband.
''Please come and confirm'',Said
Husband said, ''Ok'' and hung up.
After 10 minutes husband came and he
saw the body and started crying. Sherlocklooked at the police officer and
If u r genius den answer it