“F r i e n d s h i p
M a k e s
P r o s p e r i t y
M o r e
S h i n i n g
L e s s e n s
A d v e r s i t y
B y
D i v i d i n g
S h a r i n g
I t … ^-^

acha ji aapka name kya hai aur aap kaha se ho

Morning Time-A cup of hot hello,A plate of crispy wishes,a spoon of sweet smiles & a slice of great success specially for u...Enjoy the day!!!Good morning!!!....
I am dreaming of white Eid ul-Azha,
with every Eid ul-Azha card i write,
May your days b happy and bright,
and May all your Eid ul-Adhas be white.
Happy Eid ul adha ie. Bakra Eid..
In life, we meet a lot of people,
make friends with few
in those few
some touch our life
in such a way that
their presence is felt
in their absence…!
Pyare se d0st k0 salam hamara.
din kaisa raha yeh sawal hamara.
kal phr sms bhejenge ye wada hamara.
par abhi
Good Night ka pyara sa paigham hamara.
Expression of the face could be seen by everyone
But the depression of heart could be understood only by the best one
Don’t loose them in life
Good morning 2u kaise ho aap
All mornings are like a painting, you need a little inspiration to get you going, a little smile to brighten it and a message from someone who cares to color your day.
to apne net ko aag lga do