تبسم.....فإن الله ما أشقاك إلا ليسعدك.....و ما أخذ منك إلا ليعطيك.....و ما أبكاك إلا ليضحكك.....و ما حرمك إلا ليتفضل عليك.....و ما أبتلاك إلا لأنه يحبك....لا اله الا الله.............جمعه مباركه
Night doesn't become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon, it becomes beautiful when you go to sleep and let the stars & moon admire your innocence. Good Night Dear & Take Care!!!
"A morning greeting doesn't only mean 'Good Morning', it has a silent loving message saying, I think of you when I wake up." Good Morning Dear!!!

صباح الورد ، صباح الفل و الياسمين
hai dear..*_^..have a great morning day ea...
Good morning my dear friend, have a nice day....
sure...have a nice dreams ea tonight..
i am fine thanx..and you dear