I Respect my friends more than others. I Care for my Friends better than Others. But Its my Bad Habbit that I Hurt them more than Others... B'coz I Love them more than others... Thanks for being my Friend...!!!">http://harshikaram.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/best_friend_quotes_cute_friendship_quotes.jpg" border="0"/>
please don’t be sad, I want you to be glad. And when you said you couldn’t do it, I was not mad. I will still love you, Like no one ever had. Cause you are my friend, And all wounds will mend. If you ever need a helping hand, I will immediately lend. And don’t ever doubt it, But we will always be together till the end…
ReSpEcT ThE OlD.. WhEn uR YoUnG.. HeLp tHe wEaK.. WhEn uR StRoNg.. cOnFeSs tHe fAuLt.. wHeN Ur wRoNg.. bCoZ OnEdAy iN LiFe.. u wIlL Be oLd, WeAk & wRoNg...gOoD NiGhT..tHiNk wIsE. happy to see you dear friend.