I uSeD tO tHiNk thAt thE wOrLd iS sO uNfAir, thAt iT gaVe mE sO mANy rEaSoNs tO AwAy iT.. BuT nOw, hOw cAn I AwAy.. suCh a wOnDeRfuL wOrLd thAt gaVe mE a friENd LiKe~..~ yÖu? 'whAt gÖÖd iS beAuty wiThouT bRainS..lÖÖks wiThouT chArm..moNeY wiThouT haPPiNEss..a sMiLe wiThouT feELiNgs...a lifE wiThouT yOu..'.~..~. gÖÖd eVeninG