************ ***** When u find a dream inside ur heart Dont ever let it go Bcoz Dreams r da seeds from which beautiful 2morrows grow. Have a lovely day ahead******************
Never walk away from Closed Ones, When u see some faults,Be patient and realise that nobodys perfect, because its the affection that matters not the perfection. HAVE A COOL DAY
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O My dear Open your mind, Receive my wishes Open your heart, Recieve my love Open your eyes, Recieve my smile Open u’r mobile, and rcv my specail wish GøøÐ MØRNÍNG... *¤*¤*Happiness always looks small if you hold it in ur hands. But when u learn to share it, u will realize how big & precious it is.. Always Be Happy… ...*¤*¤* *¤*“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of eachother everywhere. ” Have a blessed Day! Good Morning!*¤*take care...