Ðrëäm$ vî$ìt u$ whèñ wé R åslèèp ßut GÖÐ ì$ tru£¥ wì$e, hè wåkê$ u$ up ëäçh ðå¥ & gïvë$ u$ êvêr¥ chäñcë tö mäkë øur drèåm$ cómè trué. . .! Gööð Mörnïng Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur Heart & Good Thoughts in Ur Mind....An d U. . always have a WoNderF uL DaY..GoO d MoRnInG.. . The world does not need more mountain s to climb! more seas to cross!or more stars to shine! what the world needs is only more of U & UR smile!! GOOD MORNING

A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u... GOOD Morning!

See outside the Window, Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling

for U, Birds Singing for U, B'coz last night I told them to wish U G@ @D morning. . .