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12 years ago

sab dlt hu h

par avvi vi kuch h

par bekar ki chij


">http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv335/nonsense_8/fat_zpsdb92b8e2.jpg" border="0"/>

12 years ago

piyarrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn

kaha hta

mere sab collection bekar gaya

tere paas kuch hai

12 years ago

╰★╮☆♥♥☆╰★╮">http://favim.com/orig/201105/10/abstract-art-background-basket-brick-collecting-Favim.com-39223.jpg" border="0"/>♥☆╰★╮

Never give up going after your dreams...
Where there is love and inspiration...
you can't go wrong.

In Life,
we all have an unspeakable secret,
an irreversible regret,
an unreachable dream &
an unforgettable love!
Its all about being happy anyhow.

Excellence can be achieved if you...
risk more than others think is safe,
love more than others think is wise,
dream more than others think is practical,
and expect more than others think is possible.

Wish it...Dream it...Do it...LIVE it.
How can you dream??? when you never sleep.

so, ZZZZZzzzzzz

Never give up going after your dreams...
Where there is love and inspiration...
you can't go wrong.

╰★╮☆♥♥☆╰★╮">http://s2.favim.com/orig/34/bed-night-sleep-sweet-dreams-Favim.com-271851.jpg" border="0"/>♥☆╰★╮

12 years ago

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮
Four candles were talking to each other

♥. . . ♥♥.">http://images.ubercomments.com/3/29558.gif" border="0"/>♥. . . ♥

1st-”I am PEACE,
no one needs me” & it went off..
2nd-”I am FAITH,
nobody believes in me” & it went off..
3rd-”I am LOVE,
nobody cares for me” & it went off..
4th-”I can light the other three''
...!!!because I am HOPE & I last forever!!!...

♥♥♥♥">http://magickalgraphics.com/Graphics/Occult/BooksCandles/book106.gif" border="0"/>♥♥

Life is tough, sometimes impossible to live..
...but never lose hope...
I wish that your candle of HOPE
lights all your other candles
and keep them glowing.
Stay Blessed...
♥">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v622/heatherp8/MySpace%20comments/FLIGHT.jpg" border="0"/>

...S W E E TD">http://www.magickalgraphics.com/Graphics/Goodnight/goodnight12.jpg" border="0"/>D R E A M E S...

╰❤╮╰☆╮ ❤❤ ╰☆╮╰❤╮

12 years ago

good nyt too

">http://i.myniceprofile.com/156/15643.gif" border="0"/>

12 years ago

tuu hai na keh k vagte h sale

ok vhai best wala nyt

12 years ago

bhai par mere paas koi life board nhi hai

dub jauuu too

12 years ago

laher se dar lagte h vhai
i mean angel ki leher:rofl;

tarika kya hai vhai

12 years ago

pani deeee paniiii
wo kya tha

12 years ago

abe jinda gold deeeee

12 years ago

kaha gold

wooooooo gold deeee

12 years ago

tu golden words Leeee mere ko gold deeeee

accha huu vhai

12 years ago

╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮
Friendship isn't about whom you have known
the longest it's about who came,
and never left your side.
☆ ❤❤">http://www.evipic.eviland.com/Comments/Images/Friends/Friends-5.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ☆

Your truest friends are the ones who will always be there for you,
no matter what happens, and who will never leave your side.
A real friend knows you at your deepest levels and
whether they agree with you or not,
they will commit to always being there for you when you are truly down,
even when it is least convenient for them to do so

Never take having friends like these for granted,
because not everyone is blessed to have true friends like these,
who will come into your life and no matter what happens,
will never leave your side.

Show your real friends that you appreciate them by treating them
the way that you would like to be treated.
Be there for them, not only when they need it,
but also when things are great as well,
because ultimately everyone desires to be loved by somebody.

☆ ❤❤">http://www.evipic.eviland.com/Comments/Images/Good%20Night/Night-8.jpg" border="0"/>❤ ☆
Real friends are always going to be there by your side,
even at times when you tell them to leave.
╰♡╮☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆╰♡╮
12 years ago

bangLa me chala ayaaaaaaaaa kar

line laga dunga

12 years ago

">http://i.myniceprofile.com/244/24465.jpg" border="0"/>

angelina ki sis

chera dekh

abbe wo nhi chera dekh

12 years ago


12 years ago

ha ha ha

12 years ago

">http://i.myniceprofile.com/530/53004.jpg" border="0"/>

tuuu aur wooooooo

12 years ago

shy araha h vhai

accha ruk

12 years ago

kya collection hai

samhaL k rakh

tere liye

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