╰★╮☆♥♥☆╰★╮">http://favim.com/orig/201105/10/abstract-art-background-basket-brick-collecting-Favim.com-39223.jpg" border="0"/>♥☆╰★╮ Never give up going after your dreams... Where there is love and inspiration... you can't go wrong. In Life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream & an unforgettable love! Its all about being happy anyhow. Excellence can be achieved if you... risk more than others think is safe, love more than others think is wise, dream more than others think is practical, and expect more than others think is possible. Wish it...Dream it...Do it...LIVE it. How can you dream??? when you never sleep.
so, ZZZZZzzzzzz Never give up going after your dreams... Where there is love and inspiration... you can't go wrong. ╰★╮☆♥♥☆╰★╮">http://s2.favim.com/orig/34/bed-night-sleep-sweet-dreams-Favim.com-271851.jpg" border="0"/>♥☆╰★╮
''Smile Stope When We Close The Lips, ''Dreems End When We Open The Eyes ''Love Ends When We Stop beliving, ''Frindship Ends When We Stop Responsing.........