Night has ended for another day, Morning has come in a special way, May you smile like the sunny rays, And leave your worries at the blue blue bay!!! Good Morning My Dear Friend And Have A Great Day Ahead!!!
ada yg pernah blang ama Tian kalo benci itu artiny benar2 cinta lgian Tian bkan tipe org yg ska marah kcuali tuk hal2 trtentu
Dah rehat blm, ayo tdr, dah ngantuk aku

I reed Smoking is, Bad, I stoped Smoking, I reed Drinking is bad, I stoped Drinking, I reed Friendship is Bad, I STOPED . .. ... .... ...... ........ ........... ............... .................. "REEEEEEEEEDING"
life is like a railway statiom,love is the train, it may come or go anytime,but friendship is like a railway enquiery counter which always say may i help u?
True friend has different characters..sometimes he/she is ur father when he gives advice...sometimes he/she is like a mother..because he/she take care of you as a child..sometimes he/she is ur brother or sister who shere all tears and happy with you and sometimes he/she became ur lover who loves you so much...and many times he/she is ur friend and always ask ..MAY I HELP YOU... What a relationship who makes.... Becoming a friend will takes,must takes,should takes all above responsibitities to give a meaning full mean for true friend. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT ?
this is a good that paper over nw..

no one afraid to love , but everyone get tired of waiting , hoping , hearing promise and apologies .
lea you are wonderfull friend...
I want make friends... Because... I know that friends are our key of life.., They do any thing to happy their friends.., They get togetter in bad time orgood time with us.., So Friends are friend and friendship are good to our life
Once upon a time love and friendship were walking in village. Love fall in dug because love is blind. friend ship also fall because friend ship can do every thing for love
Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust Love is when you feel like you are the only two around Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart Friendship is being close even when you are far apart Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best Love is when you bring them the very best Friendship occupies your mind Love occupies your soul Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side Friendship is a warm smile in the winter Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares A tender laugh, which opens your heart A single touch that melts away your fears A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth Friendship can surv
Hi lea thanx good afternoon dr.. Hi wat is assalamu alaikum?
Owh q tau, pasti lg di M'sia

dah brp thn?