'A sMilE of enCouRagEmeNt aT tHe riGht mOmeNt mAy aCt likE sUnLight on a cLosEd-up fLowEr; iT mAy bE tHe tuRniNg pOiNt fOr a sTruggLing LifE.' gUt EvEniNg dEaR fRiEnD
-Hold On To Friendship- Friendship isn t how you forget, but how you forgive. Not how you listen, but how you understand. Not how you see, but how you feel. Not how you let go, but how you hold on!
'An eLdErlLy genTlEmAn wEnt tO sEe hiS dÖcToR aNd aSkEd foR a pResCriPtiOn of ViAgrA. ThE dÖctÖr sAiD, "ThAt's nÖ prÖblEm. How maNy dÖ yÖu wAnT ?" ThE mAn aNswErEd, "JUsT a feW, mAybE 4, bUt cUt eAch oNe iN 4 piEcEs." ThE dÖctÖr sAid, "ThAt wÖn't dÖ yÖu aNy gÖoD." ThE eLderLy gEntLEmAn sAid, "That's aLrighT. I dÖn't nEEd thEm foR sÈx aNymÖrE aS I aM ovEr 90 yEaRs oLd. I juSt wAnT iT tÖ sTiCk oÙt faR eNouGh sÖ I dÖn't pÈe oN mY sHoEs." may be the shoes wERe very vaLuAbLe itS nÖt 4 yÖu..if yOu aRe a kiD oR if yÖu aRe biG kiD.. THEN yoU aLrEaDy gRoWn uP... Coz..yOu rEaD iT if yOu aRe aDuLt.. givE mE bAcK uR sMilE swEEt drEAmS..swEEt friEnd happy to see ur msg..its very nice..than you
Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust Love is when you feel like you are the only two around Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart Friendship is being close even when you are far apart Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best Love is when you bring them the very best Friendship occupies your mind Love occupies your soul Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side Friendship is a warm smile in the winter Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares A tender laugh, which opens your heart A single touch that melts away your fears A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth Friendship can surv
If ur heart is a nice garden i Dont want 2 b a Rose in it I want 2 b a grass in it bcoz rose need a small area bt i need a total area of ur heart.. good night lea juliet..
If ur heart is a nice garden i Dont want 2 b a Rose in it I want 2 b a grass in it bcoz rose need a small area bt i need a total area of ur heart.. good night lea juliet..