One ( ' ""()
good ((")' )
nite ( / "(,,)
Kiss for you....
* * ( ' ""() Bye
* ("( 'o', ) bye
* (")(")(,,) * *
Sweet Dreams
Tnx silu

cn u teach me hw 2 send any imge in ur guestbook?plz

Have a beautiful afternö_ön..
Be happy & take care...
Bye nice
softly d leaves of memories wil fal,
i’ll pick them up & gather them all,
coz 2day, 2moro & til my life is through
i’ll cherish having sum1 like u!
jpick them up & gather them all,
coz 2day, 2moro & til my life is through
i’ll cherish having sum1 like u!
If i could pull down the rainbow,
If i could pull down the rainbow,
i would write ur name on it
and putit back in the sky 2 let everybody know how colourful my life is with a frd like u.
with love...