I saY crazY thingS.. wheÑ I aM hypeR.. buT donT dÖ theM… I saY stupiD thingS.. wheN I aM angrY.. buT donT meaÑ theM… I saY hurtfuL thingS.. wheÑ I aM huRT.. buT donT meaÑ tÕ harM yoÙ… I saY sillY thingS.. withouT thinkinG.. buT laugH aT myseLF lateR… TÖ mÝ friend.. whÖ ignorE mY crazY talK anD mY sillinesS… ForgivE mE iF I haD eveR hurT YoÚ… ThankS foR acceptinG ME aS I AM..!!! ">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley88.gif" border="0"/> sweeT NÍGHT tÖ yoÙ sweeT frienD nO dreamS coZ i'M dreaminG oF yoÙ
ExcusÈ mÊ,, Is someonÊ carÊ abouT mÉ ? Is someonÈ ha$ feeling$ foR mÊ ? I aM thÈ onlÝ persoÑ whÖ misse$ everyonÈ. WhÖ wil£ mis$ mÈ ? PleasÈ Mis$ mÈ thaT sweeT anÐ dreamY nighT NÖ ONÈ ???
'ThE BesT RelatioN iS… WheN S’OnE HurtS YoU, YoU don’T HurT bacK.. WheN S’OnE HitS YoU, YoU don’T HiT bacK… WheN S’OnE NeglectS YoU, YoU don’T NeglecT !…. BuT, WheN S’OnE NeedS YoU, YoU alwayS ComE BacK. ….. !' thatS thE keE oF relationS.. KeY oF healthY livinG..keY oF lovE anD peacE..i'M thankfuL tO yoU coZ wE arE relateE witH thE bonD oF friendshiP smilinG anD brighT daY 4 yoU happy to see ur smiling face thanx to be my friend