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A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall
A true friend is one that won't lie
A true friend is there when you call
A true friend is there when you want to die
A true friend knows just what to say
A true friend won't care what other people think
A true friend will help you find your way
A true friend will make sure you don't sink
A true friend will help you choose your path
A true friend will know when something is wrong
A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath
A true friend makes you feel like you belong
A true friend is a real best friend.
I missed you…..
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder
I’ve realized this is true,
Coz when you weren’t around me,
Each moment, I missed you…
I’ve done everything half-heartedly,
Left many a thing incomplete,
Each day seemed like eternity,
When we both did not meet…
In times of grief, when tears did flow,
Who’s hand to hold, I did not know,
I couldn’t smile, I felt so low,
You are my life, I hope you know…
Joyful moments were there too!
Wished I could share them with you…
And I craved to hug you tight!
But you were nowhere in sight…
Not once did I feel at peace,
Aimlessly I wandered,
Nothing could put my heart at ease,
When would you come back? I wondered…
Many a time, when we did talk,
“I’m missing you”, you said,
That’s when I would completely break down,
And lie sobbing in my bed…
Look what your absence did to me,
Somebody else in you place, I cannot see,
I need your hug; I need your smile,
I’ve lived without them for quite a while,
All this aint a lie, I swear!
Being away from you, I cannot bear,
I know, you’ll be back one day…
And finally I will be ok,
There’s only one thing I can say…
That “distance makes the heart grow fonder”,
Is very very true…
And when you weren’t around me dear,
My best friend, I missed you….
Forever yours,
Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my msg doesn't reach u,
But, it doesn't mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss me!
A good friend is like a computer; me 'enter' ur life, 'save' u in my heart, 'format' ur problems, 'shift' u 2 opportunities & never 'delete' u from my memory!
On this chill chill night,
in Ur dark dark room,
from your small small window,
look at the bright bright stars
wishing you a sweet sweet dreams
I need,
a friend most true
who will help me
in times due.
A friend,
who will stand by me always
and support me when
iam through down days.
A friend in front of whom,
i can think aloud
and to be his/her friend
i would feel proud.
I need a friend,
like stars in the sky
to make my life beautiful
and always be diamond of my eye.
Someone special,
who will always listen to me,
who will keep my secrets closed
and never let them free.
A friend who will
listen and understand what i say,
who will help with my problems
and never go away.
A friend,
to believe and trust, when
rest convey my fakes to him/her,
just be with me then.
A friend,
to always keep friendship's hue
and prove to be
a friend most true.
Yeah, that's what i need,
A Friend Most True! ! !
father is friend
mother also
life is sweet...
wife also friend
very enjoy...
brother as friend
so sweet...
sister also friend
too nice...
enemey also friend
you are
win the life...
make enemy
too your friend
with helping love..
we have been so distant

a friend is someone like you a kind a loving person,
gentle and full of fun,
a friend is someone with a heart of a gentle bear,
and cuddles that care,
a friend is someone who you can talk to,
who will never judge?
a true freind can be a man or woman,
friends are friends for life,
the friend can hold your,
in their hands,
and i have found that,
and that friend is you
Let's stay friends
For the love never lasts
I've learned from the past
Because it always ends
Let's stay friends
For the true friends
Never leave each other hands
So let's stay friends
For the real friendships are more precious then
The odd stories of love
So let's stay friends
For friends somehow become lovers
But never forget that
Lovers never become friends
So let's stay friends
Mirror is true friend of man
It tries to keep us in right path
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is true reflecter of everything
It tries to give it, s true opinion
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is sincere with everyone
It tells us what is sincerety
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is faithful to every one
It never gives sorrow
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is of resolute mind
It never gives you in distress
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is true reformer of the world
It tries to make civilized
My best friend is mirror
Mirror is very simple and straight
It never deceives you
My best friend is mirror
Best Friend, Best Friend
How I love you so
I will be there forever until the end
What I would do for you, you will never know
Best Friend, Best Friend
Don't go away
I promise it won't happen again
After what we have said, there is nothing left to say
Best Friend, Best Friend
We have grown apart
It is like hatefulness is the new trend
You may not be in my life, you are always in my heart
Best Friend, Best Friend
I have found a friend,
A butterfly after my own heart,
I have discovered a friend dear friends,
An Angel covered in mud...
A friend i have discovered may be a she,
She is a she that never complains,
A she that is too free to give you peace,
A she that has colourful, beautiful, wonderful spread-outwings...
A friend i have found,
Not in heaven - it was sitting here - down on the ground,
You may not hear it speaking,
Concealed in deep silence but itsheart reasoning,
A friend too open - you can feel what it is feeling...
You can hear its thoughts,
A friend too humble - that admits when in the wrong,
A friend - though a she - yet too strong,
A friend i have found,
A butterfly after my own heart...
You all need a friend like Naomi,
A friend who will call you - like she calls me,
Light in complexion,
Not short - not tall,
Not fat - not slim,
A friend with a heart - a heart too long,
A friend who mistakes you for an icon,
Who holds your hand even in distress...
Such a friend is to be appreciated,
Cherished and celebrated,
Such a friend is to be held on to,
Trusted - respected - well spoken of - say all that is true...
A friend like that of mine,
The one that makes you love life,
A friend that directs you to the light,
Well - this one even makes me rhyme,
She makes me smile,
She has been a friend of mine now for a time...
A friend like Naomi
Dear friends i have found a friend,
A friend you should consider making a friend,
Ones like her are rare,
Hard to find anywhere...
I dont mind sharing her,
But you have to promise to treat her like a friend! ! !
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend doesn't know your parents first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why it took you so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens the refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had fight
A true friend is always there for you
no matter what is going on they are always get there 1st
they care about what goes on in your life
they are always there for you even if you lie or hurt them
a true friend doesn't mind talking all night
ven when they have to get up early
a true friend tells you what the right thing to do is
they are like your family not like your friends
your friends come and go
however it may seem as if they will be with you forever
but only true friends stay with you through the good and bad
you can tell secrets to a true friend and know people will notfind out there are so many things what a true friend does
these are just some out of lots that a true friend is
so is your best friend a friend ora true friend?
Morning have a great sunday

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