مساء الخير كيفكم عساكم بخير وطيبين

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I don't say that I'm nothing of that but I don't think you can say somthing like that cause you nearly don't know me
Thank you so much :3 that was sweet
I want to knew about your education,drems in the futcher and the your hopes.do u knew that's egyptien built frist country in history and they invent paper,glass,and we have.scientists who get nobel prize.like Dr'ahmed zoil.
Rigth now I just want to finish secodary school, then one year on another kind of school. Don't know what it's called but it's where you live at the school. After that I think I will take to another city so I can go to a gymnasium. I'll be finish there in four years from now and I don't know what I want after that. I don't really have any big dreams, but I want to sometimes move to another country than Denmark, maybe Japan or Canada.
Yes I did know ^^'
What do you want to know?
U don't teach me what i do...i know where are my benefits
Nop thts not right..i didn't say that i don't have... I'm from riyadh