I smile at whom i like...
I cry for whom i care...
I share with whom i love...
I laugh with whom i enjoy...
I msg whom i dont want to miss...
Good Eve :-)
Hello kra... Long time no contact where ware u?

">http://loveamongotherthings.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/quotes_photography_erase__miss_you_relationship_sad-fd1fa317ef68b2719da3539f01d273be_h.jpg" border="0"/>

Take Care Glitter Scraps" border="0"/>

'GREAT LINES' Its not very hard to sacrifice everything for Someone. But, its hard to find that someone who respects UR sacrifice.gud mng

good morning have a nice day this day may bring you alot of fun happiness & joy
good morning have a nice day
when you start your day keep 3 words in your pocket,,,try,true& trust,,,,try:for better future,,true:with your work,,trust:in yourself good morning have a good day
Hi kra.i was sick n lost my phone few days ago but i am fit n fine now and got my phone back....n what abt othrz how they r going?
the best pair in world is smile & cry they wont meet each otherat a time if they meet that is the best moment in your life .....good morning have nice day ......thanks 4 accept my request
hii kra.... any problem....????