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TIGERggg1 Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) HavE FantAstiC WeeKenD WitH LovE AnD SmilE. .. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) I saY crazY thingS.. wheÑ I aM hypeR.. buT donT dÖ theM… I saY stupiD thingS.. wheN I aM angrY.. buT donT meaÑ theM… I saY hurtfuL thingS.. wheÑ I aM huRT.. buT donT meaÑ tÕ harM yoÙ… I saY sillY thingS.. withouT thinkinG.. buT laugH aT myseLF lateR… TÖ mÝ friend.. whÖ ignorE mY crazY talK anD mY sillinesS… ForgivE mE iF I haD eveR hurT YoÚ… ThankS foR acceptinG ME aS I AM..!!! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} sweeT NÍGHT tÖ yoÙ sweeT frienD nO dreamS coZ i'M dreaminG oF yoÙ | |